There are fakes and there are clones. The best clones can be very good however they do not have the same level of transistor matching that the high end products have and usually cut corners with inferior capacitors and other passive parts. The circuit boards for the Dart seem to be exact copies but the above mentioned issues still are there. Some Chinese clones have very good transistor matching though. Another issue is fake transistors and in the DZ clones they are probably fake.
Unless you are a diy guy and plan to correct these things you will not get the same level of performance although it can be very good. I have a pair Telos clones from Kinki Studios that is incredible with teflon circuit boards, matched fets and all the good stuff but it was not a cheap clone by any means. Aside from the power it is much more realistic and involving than my ML #333.
Unless you are a diy guy and plan to correct these things you will not get the same level of performance although it can be very good. I have a pair Telos clones from Kinki Studios that is incredible with teflon circuit boards, matched fets and all the good stuff but it was not a cheap clone by any means. Aside from the power it is much more realistic and involving than my ML #333.