3 channel tube amp for home theater?

Does anybody make a 3 channel TUBE amplifier for home theater? Left, right and center.

If not, does anybody run a two channel tube amp and use a single tube or solid state amp monobloc for the center channel.

Any recommendations? The goal is both good music for a tube lover and home theater (left, right, center and sub-woofer). Thanks, Jeff
Thanks for the ongoing input. I used to own a CJ MV-60 and an LS-16 and I liked both, although for 2 channel I have migrated toward a tube system that is more neutral. I'll check out the 5 channel CJ home theater solution. I'm liking the idea of using my existing tube amp to power left and right channels and using a less expensive solid state amp for center and rear channels.

For 2 channel, I have a pair of kharma 3.2 fe speakers. I'm inclined to not run home theater through them fearing that the dynamic transients may wear on the drivers. Am I being to conservative in my use of the kharmas? I ask because I had a pair of guarneri homage and the retailer specifically warned me not to put home theater transients through them. Is this good advice or audio kookiness?

Thanks again for all the help. Jeff
Kharma 3.2?

Sheesh. Although I don't think anything is indestructable, and they might not be suited to the task at hand, if for that amount of money they couldn't stand up to sensible levels from HT content now and then, I would take them back, or not have them to begin with... no offense.

Kharma, Homage and others have been on my dream list from time to time for years. I've all but deleted any ongoing notions of acquiring that level of performance or indebtedness. it makes things simpler for me.

Perhaps though your dealers thoughts are overly cautious. I would think their build would equate to their performance too, and they would be quite the robust units. But then, I don't really know. Ask the maker for thier thoughts on the intended application, and see what they have to say.

Personally, as long as the power on tap is sufficient to prevent clipping issues, and you don't mind the possible trade offs from tube vs SS... I'd say you're AOK.

happy listening.
Hi Blindjim,
Checking with the maker of the Kharmas is a good idea. Why did I not think of that?

Clarification: The retailer's warning was about the foregoing Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage loudspeakers (a much older design) - not about the Kharmas.

Thanks again, Jeff