Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Drastic is not really the word you were looking for. Perhaps dramatic. Perhaps another synonym of dramatic. Perhaps pronounced. But not drastic. Besides, by your own words you’ve been using that crap record clamp for what, like forever? Hopefully, most people would not (rpt) have to invest in red fuses, black fuses, blue fuses, TC, and umptyump mats before they could hear how crappy their clamp is. I certainly wouldn’t admit it. Carry on. 🕺
I installed 4 more E-Mats several days ago (paid for 12, have 10 now installed).  I doubled the direct equipment only power panel, doubled the Bit20 (with one on top and one under), doubled the EAR Acute CD player and tripled the pre/phono under.  For the first 20 minutes, I wasn't satisfied with the sound, jazz was sounding too forward and just not right.  After an hour, the sound calmed down and then I began noticing the difference.  First, the dynamics and soundstaging grew bigger.  Unusual miking of instruments on one CD had a triangle hit outside of the mix to the left of the left speaker, like it was added later.  It was always in the mix within the soundstage previously.  Separation of instruments and singers is greater.  Percussion and bass are cleaner/more detailed.  The music sounds more organic if there is such a phrase applicable to the sound.  While I could easily live with 6 E-Mats, 10 are better, just like 12 were better at Franks' place.  

The price of an early pressed RCA LS of the the Shafran Shotavovich/Schubert LP has been $1000+  I didn't think my latest CD copy made it sound so special that it was worth anywhere near that.  After the first 6 E-Mats were installed, I was thrown for a loop.  The CD sounded spectacular.  Now I can understand why the LP garners such high prices.  It's that way with the several dozen LPs and CDs I've heard since installing 10 E-Mats.  More spectacular sound from previously good recordings that did not show their true quality.  

This has been some of the most fun I have had with all the tweaks I have tried and purchased. There seems to be a synergy with all existing equipment and tweaks in both of my systems with absolutely no negatives.

Have fun,


Geoff ...

Hopefully you’ve read Fleschler’s last post by now.

These Omega E Mats are cumulative in nature. Its not surprising at all that certain things are revealed by them as the noise floor drops to a more DRAMATIC level. That would include the removal of a turntable clamp. Oh, and the clamp is hardly "crap" as you described it. Are you still indulging in the Christmas cheer? :-)


Jafreeman ...

I feel the same as you. After tweaking the system over the years with a multitude of tweaks, nothing has even come close to what Total Contact and the Omega E Mats have done for the SQ. The improvement has been DRAMATIC.  :>)
