Who makes the highest quality tube amps?

One scale of 1-10, 10 being best designed and constructed technically, personal sound preferences aside, who are the 8s, 9s, and 10s?

VAC, ARC, Atmasphere would seem like likely candidates I can think of. Are they ?

Where does Decware rank? Rogue? How about others?

SOme technical facts to help support any claims is appreciated please.

Durability and reliability matters to me here as much as anything. I would want my tube gear to continue to work as reliably as designed years down the road as well as up front.


If there's something built better than a Dennis Had Inspire amp, I'd be surprised. Hand built little gems at a fraction of the cost of Shindos or just about anything else of this quality...mine sounds astonishingly good, and recent ones (available only on Ebay) list for around 1500 bucks.
I love deHavilland Hi Fi. Very very simple design takes full advantage of the tubes, and the tubes are selected to sound so so musical. 
+1 for Aries Cerat.This is what i would purchase for myself if i go the tube route.
I own Dyna. I go with Dyna. So did old man Johnson of ARC, who copied Dyna. (RIP) And others.