Who makes the highest quality tube amps?

One scale of 1-10, 10 being best designed and constructed technically, personal sound preferences aside, who are the 8s, 9s, and 10s?

VAC, ARC, Atmasphere would seem like likely candidates I can think of. Are they ?

Where does Decware rank? Rogue? How about others?

SOme technical facts to help support any claims is appreciated please.

Durability and reliability matters to me here as much as anything. I would want my tube gear to continue to work as reliably as designed years down the road as well as up front.


+1 for Aries Cerat.This is what i would purchase for myself if i go the tube route.
I own Dyna. I go with Dyna. So did old man Johnson of ARC, who copied Dyna. (RIP) And others.
I would imagine Allnic must be up there. Especially with the DHT lineup.
Also their top of the line push pull amp can switch between 200 watts of pentode and 90 watts of "set-like" triode. Currently the amp I have my eyes on.
The new Linear Tube Audio "Ultralinear" might be David Bernings best yet. All of the attributes of a tube amp without the transformer noise and bass slam like the best SS out there.