Best Preamp - NO preamp... (?)

A few hours ago I decided to experiment and bypassed my highly regarded, excellent passive preamp and hooked up my PS Audio DSD DAC directly to the power amp.
There is no going back...
Every aspect of the sound has improved so dramatically that I'm simply blown away. I'm a bit shocked, playing CD after CD and I still can't believe it.
My phono stage has gain control as well, so it seems that from now on it will be disconnecting RCAs and plugging each in turn.
Since I usually do vinyl day or cd day (or week) anyway, the trouble seems totally worth it. Letting the cable settle in for a bit is not an issue.
Am I just crazy or are any of you doing the same?
Should I be concerned about damaging  the RCAs over time?
Thanks for your thoughts and experience. :-)
I almost always have two preamps in the signal chain
(opposite of what the op wants, instead of none, I add a second one)
My new preamp has has improved the sound of my amp by leaps and bounds. No question that using a preamp in this case is an improvement.

My new preamp has has improved the sound of my amp by leaps and bounds. No question that using a preamp in this case is an improvement.

Fair enough, your new pre sounds better than your old preamp, goes to prove no two pre’s sound the same, just like none can sound like the fabled "strait piece of wire"

But direct source to power amp is, and will sound like a "strait piece of wire", because guess what? that’s what it is!!
If you don’t like it that way, many don’t, it’s because you DON"T like the sound of your source!!.
Better change it and save $4,450, instead of putting a band-aids on it with different sounding preamps.
Put the $4.5k towards a better front end source with built in volume control ability, then revel in the dynamic transparency direct source to poweramp can give you, once you’ve heard it this way with a source you like, there’s no going back to an active preamp.

And that’s why we have this thread called,
" Best Preamp - NO preamp... (?) "

Remember your hifi system all starts with the source.
"To quote a famous saying. It all starts with the source, get that right and your 1/3rd the way there, if not, it's a never ending battle to get the truth."

Cheers George