@melbguyone I am with you there as much as I admire the big horns my 800 sq foot condo would be not be the place to own them! Cones and domes here too in the form of some Audio Note AN-Js.
@jhills Yes the WE horns and reproductions can be rather enormous for sure the saving grace being they are usually open baffle. And never heard Apogees myself I've certainly heard Maggie's but it's been some years. And yes I would think you would need more power for 3.7s for sure.
@jhills Yes the WE horns and reproductions can be rather enormous for sure the saving grace being they are usually open baffle. And never heard Apogees myself I've certainly heard Maggie's but it's been some years. And yes I would think you would need more power for 3.7s for sure.