Where on earth is the Belles Virtuoso?

I was under the impression that David Belles was supposed to release the Virtuoso 4-5 months ago. Life’s been busy, and I’ve been away. Anyone have any news?

Wondering the same! 
His amps get great reviews, I just wish that the Virtuoso was a bit tone down design vise, too many blue led’s.
but that just me, just think more subdued design holds it time better.
Interesting. I was in touch with a guy up here in Canada, and he wanted me to pre purchase. In retrospect, I was unable to at the time, (had just bought a new home), and was expecting a mid April release date. Guess I’ll have to wait...
UPDATE ON THE BELLES VIRTUOSO INTEGRATED...Spoke to Johnny yesterday at Audio Connect and he informed me that the production platform for the Virtuoso has finally been completed and set up just days ago and production, according to his recent talks with Dave, will start very
shortly. Johnny just got into his store the very first Virtuoso 2-channel amplifier. Look forward to getting the Virtuoso integrated when released and will hook it up to a pair of Quad Z-3's which will be a killer combo.
Is the Belles Virtuoso ever going to be available in the marketplace and properly advertised on a website?  After three years of waiting, it seems like nothing more than a figment of one's imagination...