Job amps: Suck?

Guys I’ve noticed that besides the breathless reviews from 6moons, everyone reviewing these amps are using them with very low-end / entry-level systems. Do these amps actually stand up to high end gear?
I’m asking about this because I’m entering the market soon for an upgrade amp/integrated. I’m gearing up to drop on a ML, possibly Luxman, BAT, even a Vitus. Maybe AudioNet...maybe even a Gryphon. However I don’t WANT to spend that kind of cash — if a $1700 unit can at least compete with these others than I could live happily ever after with the basic casework.
I was in the market for a power amp back then and considered Bryston 3B^3 and Odyssey Stratos. Then I came across the Job 225 "hype" at, and I believe I combed the entire web for info and did not find a negative review. Here are several Job 225 reviews...

6moon :
HiFi Knights:
Hifi Pigs:

...and more in the hifi press and forums in Chinese, Japanese, Dutch and German to name a few.

I bought it without sight and was ready to relegate to my home office to get the Bryston if it does not live up to the hype. So far it has been great, especially with the Job Pre2 control amp. 

I see a similar trend now with the  Kinki Studio EX-M1 Integrated amp....a little known manufacturer with a great amp and word gets out through word-of-mouth. (though Job are made by Goldmund) 

If your speakers are a difficult load the Job amps may have a problem if not they will work fine.  The biggest differences between them and their Goldmund branded conterparts, other than casework, is in the power supplies and the ability to deal with speakers like Wilson, ML, Raidho, etc.  I have a friend that has had the Job Integrated since it first came out as his "back-up" and it has worked fine with Revel Studio II's, SF Strad's and big JBL's and though those speakers are up there in price they are not difficult loads.  If you're looking in the "big dollar" category also look at Audia Flight and Trilogy. 
...... after all his name is ‘MADavid’.... at least he tells you up front.... 
Job amps: Suck?
I believe we, many of us tried to say that a long time ago when they first appeared and a certain someone was pushing them so hard he was about to blow his pooffoo valve.

Cheers George