Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money

I currently have a system which consists of Vandersteen 5A's, THor Audio TP-150 tubed monoblocks, Thor Line Stage and Thor phono stage, Marantz SACD player SA-114 and will take delivery of the VPI Prime Scout with a Sumiko EVOS 3 Cartridge. I am currently using LAT International Speaker Cables, Power Cords and Interconnects. (They are no longer in business). I am in immediate  need of turntable cables and would like to update my new speaker cables and interconnects. Not willing to spend thousands on this upgrade. Seeking to capture as much of the "magic" that the super expensive cables deliver but at a more realistic price point. I understand that I have really good quality equipment, but at this stage of my life cannot allocate mega dollars towards cables.
 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


"Someone got a cable that separates Dolly, Emmy and Linda clearly when they sing together?"
Do you really want that?

Also, what is the deal with having each instrument of an orchestra separate? Aren’t they playing together exactly for that reason? To play together and all the sounds merging?

As far as cheap cables go, Monster Cable, more length than three systems need, $20-30 per spool at the end of the previous century, still work just fine. If you do not obsess over it. They may do just fine when compared to more expensive cables, too, but I have not had a chance. It helps to have low expectations.
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KJL1065.....I have Vanderteen 5A's and have been experimenting with many, many cables.  ClearDay Cables are to these ears are as good as the very best, most expensive Wireworld cables.  I'm using double shotgun and couldn't be more pleased.  He will send you a pair with no obligation on a trial basis...you don't like them send them back.  It certainly is worth a listen.
Most agreed in another thread that tonearm cable is the most important cable in the entire system. With such equipment level you might want something really good.
What do you call " mega dollars " ? For some it is $15k pair and for others it is $1500 pair.
So I would start with tonearm cable and leave the rest as it is right now, then rewire everything. One brand approach is not always the best but it is the simplest and often a good one.
I use Purist Audio Neptune and Tchernov Audio Reference interconnects. You can read my review here. They are not inexpensive but not outrageously expensive either. This doesn't mean it would be the best choice for you, but I think you should try a few brands. Kubala Sosna is another company that comes to mind. All three that I mentioned are used or used to be used by Lamm and many Lamm owners. This tells me something. 
As far as cheap cables go, Monster Cable, more length than three systems need, $20-30 per spool at the end of the previous century, still work just fine. If you do not obsess over it. They may do just fine when compared to more expensive cables, too, but I have not had a chance. It helps to have low expectations.

The new paradigm - The Anti Audiophile. Ah, the eternal quest for mediocrity. 😛

Hmmmm, could there be a recessive audiophile gene? 🤔