Hegel H300 still worth getting?

Hi All,

I came upon a Hegel h300 at a good price. Since its an integrated amp with HT bypass I was wondering if they are still worth getting? Are they better than similar priced new integrated amp considering their better specs, i.e. 1K damping factor and etc.?

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No doubt Hegel makes good products. I was especially impressed with the H160 though. It had no trouble driving my Von Schweikert Endeavor E-3 mk2 speakers. There was never a time that I felt there wasn’t enough power. Then I tried the H360 which puts out 250wpc, and of course it sounded better than the H160, but it is twice as good as the H160? No, I didn’t think so. My only guess is that Hegel really did wonderful things in these 2 amps with the SoundEngine2 technology. The newer line of H160/H360 does sound significantly better than the H200. That’s why I wouldn’t recommend the H300. But again, I’ve never heard the H300 before, so I can’t comment on the H300. For the price/performance ratio, H160 is hard to beat. I also don’t use the internal dac because I have a Lampizator Lite 7 dac.
The internal dac in the h300 is decent. I had better external dacs so I used them instead of the h300's. Hegel does offer the DAC loop wherein you connect an external dac using the output and inputs on the h300 and it does make the sound better. I did use it this way for a little while. If you are new to digital audio, i would have no problems using the internal h300 dac but knowing in the future, I would be getting a more up to date/better external dac. Even the dac in the h360 when it came out was much better than the h300 dac, but didn't compare to hegel's standalone dacs or other 3rd party dacs. I did have the older hegel integrated amp and the h300 blew it away. The H160 is a nice unit, but I think the H300 is a better unit except the H160 has newer bells and whistles that the H300 doesn't. Hegel did some weird things by crawling on top of itself. Take the Rost, which was a very nice integrated, then they came out with the H160 and it trampled the Rost. The H360 is a better unit power wise and has a better dac than the H300, but the H360 dac is not as good as many other external dacs
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Hi All,

Just an update, I finally managed to find a H360. It is amazing so far, sounds really nice when warmed up.

@rbstehno , which DAC would you recommend to pair with the H360? Will it be a big improvement?

I have been playing with it using DLNA (Audirvana streaming) and also airplay. DLNA drops sometimes and is not very stable, I tried to look for a firmware update in the Hegel site but don’t see any.

Airplay does not seem to work from my macbook, could possibly be due to Airplay2 introduced. But in any case, DLNA streaming is better with less loss of data/quality.