Another Speaker Recommendation Request

Greetings Goners,
Just retired and have my new dedicated listening room. Bonus room above garage; 15' wide, 24' deep, 8' ceiling, drywall and carpeted. No WAF to consider. I am all digital with PS Audio kit: BHK stereo 250 amp, BHK pre-amp, Direct Stream DAC and Direct Stream Media Player. Also have Cambridge Audio CXN for streaming and NAS.
Current speakers are Wharfedale Jade 3 stand mounts with HSU subwoofer. Worked well in the previous home, but looking to upgrade. I don't need concert hall performance. I will crank it up on occasion, but mostly solo mid and low level listening. Would like full range floor standers and possibly loss the subwoofer.
Most important attributes for me would be non-fatiguing and imaging. Looking in the $10k range and prefer new vs used. Have considered Spendor D7, PSB Imagine T3 and Focal Electra 1028BE. And shops to demo in Tampa St. Pete area would be appreciated. Thanks!
I’ve had the Chapman T-7 model in use since 1997, and they are still a Remarkably well rounded, full range three way floor standing model.  Stuart Chapman Jones has designed and built some amazing speakers in his workshop in Washington state.  They are appropriately priced (maybe even underpriced), and will provide decades of enjoyment.  I’ve used them with Sim Audio Moon, Naim, and Sonic Frontiers, and Classe amplification..  Definitely give them a listen if you can.
The Nola KO is a great choice.  In fact I just took a pair out of my main system that I need to crate up.  Last time I talked to Carl there was no KO stocking dealer in Florida.  Mostly Boxers and Contenders with the rest of the line as special order.  Also put in a call to Mike Bovaird at Suncoast Audio in Sarasota.  He may not have anything you are interested in but can point you in the right direction.  He is also one of the principals behind the first Florida Audio Expo coming up in Tampa in February so a lot of contacts in the area. 
Thanks again to all who have take the time to respond. And once again the consensus is . . . no consensus! That's what I love about this hobby. I did e-mail Spatial Audio and got a call back next day from Clayton Shaw. I am very intrigued with their speakers, and owner comments are in line with what I am looking for in my next (last) speaker purchase.
Will look at room treatment as well.
I do have the Bridge II in the DSD, but no ethernet cable run in last home, hence the Cambridge CXN via wifi.