Troll extraordinaire is correct...
"The Freya is not that good."
It is VERY good and at the price a screaming bargain: very flexible in terms of inputs and output modes; a balanced design; an excellent, finely graduated volume control; with properly screened tubes (whether NOS or new production, e.g., EH or TungSol) it is very quiet; regardless of tubes used, it's dead silent in Passive or JFET mode. I use mine with a number of different amps (Taranis, Hegel, First Watt) and am extremely happy with the results. It supports excellent quality sound with nice 3D imaging. Highly recommended for an in-home trial, at least. Can't compare to the Vincent SA31. Did find it better than the dual 6H30/EZ80-rectified tube preamp I had previously.
"The Freya is not that good."
It is VERY good and at the price a screaming bargain: very flexible in terms of inputs and output modes; a balanced design; an excellent, finely graduated volume control; with properly screened tubes (whether NOS or new production, e.g., EH or TungSol) it is very quiet; regardless of tubes used, it's dead silent in Passive or JFET mode. I use mine with a number of different amps (Taranis, Hegel, First Watt) and am extremely happy with the results. It supports excellent quality sound with nice 3D imaging. Highly recommended for an in-home trial, at least. Can't compare to the Vincent SA31. Did find it better than the dual 6H30/EZ80-rectified tube preamp I had previously.