Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
@grannyring- If that is addressed to me, I understand exactly what you are saying about patents. Exactly. By your own words-"Sometimes a patent is not the best approach. Sometimes. Not always or even often." So, in your opinion, no patent is the best approach for this invention based on the premise a patent would lay bare the composition and technology of the mat, making it easier for others to change slightly and emulate, else they would have no clue as to how to do it. That is your opinion. I am of the opinion that since it is not a piece of technology that I surmise needs specialized machinery or expensive custom tooling to produce, (since, you know, it’s a mat) a patent would be better protection than no patent at all. Especially since as I stated, the material can easily be analyzed and identified. Of course, we’re both just speculating and voicing our opinions. So I ask, what makes your speculations and opinions more valid than my or djones51’s ’laughable’ ones?
Getting back to why anyone should really care about the Omega E-Mat in the first place....

I followed this thread faithfully since it began on July 5.  I kept reading the "hyperbolic" testimonials of Frank and Co.  But the more I read of their "rantings" the more curious I became.  Hey, I have bought some dopey tweaks in my time so I was very leary of all the "cheerleading" on this thread.  But, I finally took the plunge and ordered a mat.  I am on day 11 with the mat inhabiting the top half of my 200 amp service.

You know all that stuff I just said about hyperbolic, rantings and cheerleading, it was NONE of that.  One mat.  One. One mat has taken my system to a land far far away from where it was before.  Everything is soooooo much cleaner and clearer.  Unfrickin' real!!  

And if that is not enough, you should see the picture on my 65" video screen.  The colors and's almost as if I set the picture to "vivid".  Again, I'm only 11 days in.  From the reports of those whose reporting on this crazy devise was absolutely accurate, I should realize even more improvements in the coming days!

I ordered a second mat today for the bottom half of my service so almost the entire area of the service will be covered by the two mats.

More to come...

PS  A respectful suggestion.  Get off the gear train.  Set up a system that sounds right to you and then get at least one mat for your service to prove to yourself that this thing is utterly amazing.  Thank you Tim Mrock! and thank you to the "cheerleaders".

Agree with your last statement. We just speculated on different ends of this and all is good. Nothing to laugh at. Your last post was clear and better understood. 
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