What the heck is up with the audiogon listing photos?

Can anyone explain the mostly obscured thumbnails in the gear listings? I'm talking about the tiny circle thumbnails in front of blurred backgrounds. Is this site flaw supposed to be a feature, or is this the new "base" listing, where one has to pay additional for an unblurred image?

User experience. You're doing it wrong.

Post removed 
Thank you all for your feedback on our latest site update. We were  able to release the ability to choose between the Classic View you are used to and the new Grid View. Simply navigate to any search/browse page and click the View drop-down next to the Sort By Preferences to switch between the two. Your preference will be set via cookies; you will not be required to make the change every time you log in.
That's fine but the obscured photos is still an embarrassment and needs to be addressed.
Yes, each of us can individually choose the more informative "Classic View" once we understand the process of getting to the selection point.
But my concern is that not all potential buyers will know this, and any listing that I put up will not get the eyeballs it would have with your prior design.  I believe that this "fisheye"/"keyhole" change is a detriment to your sales channel.
mapman"the obscured photos is still an embarrassment and needs to be addressed."

Why would this embarrass you and why does it "need" to be addressed?