$1000-1500 range for phono preamp... what to buy?

Going down the rabbit hole. I have budgeted up to $1500 for a phono pre. I have a Rega RP6, groovetracer derlin plat and sub plat, DV 20X2 cart. Turntables going into a Rega Elicit-R with Martin Logan Motion 40's bi-amped with Kimber 4tc. 

I have review blinds at this point and can't seem to narrow anything down. Any suggestions that would pair nicely with this setup would be awesome and much appreciated.

Awesome suggestions thank you. If I can find one a used chinook is pretty appealing. Second option would be a new Croft Phono stage.
Try to find a used Herron Audio VTPH-1.  You will NOT find anything close for less than $3000 used except a used Herron VTPH-2, if you can find one.
I called Keith Herron to inquire about the discontinued VTPH-1mm (mm for moving magnet), and he happened to have one in Mint condition to sell (a trade-in, perhaps). Keith optimized the phono amp for my cartridges (lowest possible gain for my very high output London's, capacitance and resistance), installed new tubes (and sent along a couple of extras for an additional 2dB of gain), and performed a few upgrades (the majority of the VTPH-1 to VTPH-2 improvements were to the mc version, the VTPH-1mm and VTPH-2mm being very similar). Keith sold it to me at a great price (right in the center of your budget, Justin), and sent it to me in a new shipping carton, with a full warrantee. I couldn't be more satisfied!
for just $100 more (I'm sure you can get some discount from their dealers) you should go for Gold Note PH-10 phonostage....plenty of reviews out there