+++ for making connections with John at Audio Connection. I have never dealt with him, as I’m quite some distance from the NE. but he has a stellar reputation as a great source for help with anything to do with Vandyies.
A while back, I had a chance to audition the Vandy Treos through an Ayre VX-5 Evo and the sound was very, very good - open, detailed, yet smooth and un-strained. I had a chance to live with that same amp at my home for about 3 weeks, through my Audible Illusions pre, running my Maggie 1.7s and liked it allot.
Another of my favorite SS amps, for the dollar, has always been Bryston. When I get ready to go back to SS, I would not hesitate a minuet to jump on a good buy on a used Ayre V-X5 or a Bryston 4B SST or SST-2, and I have no doubt that either of those two amps would match very nicely with the Vandy 2Ce sigs. Sometimes you can find either the Ayer or Brystons for around $2.5K to $3K on the used market. For a SS amp to pair with Vandies, Maggies or older Thiels, I can’t think of anything for anywhere near the cost that would do a better job than either of those amps. You could check with John though, he may have some other ideas...Jim