Got a line on NOS tubes

A guy I chat with in an unrelated industry has LOTS of tubes. His father owner a tv/radio/electronic repair shop in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. He inherited all the stuff from his father when he passed away. Apparently he’s got approximately 3-4000 tubes. I am currently in the market for a tube amp. Now, if I get something like the PrimaLuna, I can use many different tubes.
What should I be asking for? What are some of the ‘golden, rare’ tubes?
Any of the pre-40's tubes (2A3, 10Y, 24, 27, 31, 45, 46, 47, 50, 56 ...) are worth collecting. They can be used to make some interesting pre and power amps!
Most sought-after: Tungsol 5881's and 6550's. EL34's and 6CA7's. Any 6L6 series. Any 12A*7 series, 5751's and 7025's. Any 6DJ8's and 6922's. Any 6SL7's and 6SN7's. Rectifiers: 5Y3's, 5AU4's, 5AR4's (GZ34), 6CA4's, EZ80's ...
If you're getting a primaluna amp you owe it to yourself to find some Amperex DD getter EL34s. It's the best EL34 I've ever heard, I personally like it more than NOS Genalex KT88s
Find out if he has a tube tester. It would have been necessary in that business.
  Before you install any tubes, you'll need to test them for different parameters, such as voltage and leaks. Also, most preamps and amps need to use matching tubes.
As for the tube tester, it may (will probably) need recalibration if it hasn't been used in a long while.