thoughts on phono stage

I am considering upgrading my phono stage, which is currently a Sim 310.  I listen almost exclusively to vinyl (mostly acoustic jazz).  The other components include Hegel H30, PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium, Magico S3 mkI and RP8 (with Apheta cart).  Right now, my possible list includes Sim 610, Sutherland Duo, Pass Labs XP-25 and Lehmann Silver.  My stretch budget might get me up to $6,000 and I will be looking for something used.  Any input will be most appreciated.  My options to audition locally are very limited..............

I've had both the Manley Chinook and Steel Head in my system and they are both wonderful. I will be adding a Chinook to my system in the near future, wish I could afford the Steal Head.
glennewdick - if you are sticking with a tube-based phono stage, have you considered the Modwright ph150?
If I was in your shoes I'd take a serious look at this

Obviously a ARC Ref2SE Phono is easily within your budget (I know having just had to let mine go at <$6K)