Bi-amp through receiver vs pre out to 2 channel for fronts

Right now I am no amping my monitor audio gold 100 front speakers using a pioneer elite receiver.

The manufacturer recommends bi amping. If I buy a parasound 2 channel amp for the fRonda and don’t bi amp, is that going to sound better?
Craig, sorry, I came off way to strongly.  I"m sure you can understand why I posted what I did and again, sorry.  I just hate when anyone chases things, especially new folks. YES, you are overwhelmed.  That's the reason I said to go get any of the NAD BEE integrated amps. They are outstanding and much less than 1000 use.  They are always wanted on the used market. I've sold many as I've own many.  I have not dog in the fight, but felt that an inexpensive NAD would be your best place to start since you can upscale from there.  I'm sure your Atoll will be assume and it will be so much better than any of the AVR's. 
Ok everybody...update! Thank you all for helping me. So I’m just starting out and I’m sure I will grow, but I had to go for the best deals at this time. 

For my new man cave I just bought:

1. Marantz 7704 processor
2. Anthem PVA 7 Amplifier 

For my living room I currently have a pioneer elite receiver and plan to buy the following, and put my MA RXW-12 subwoofer between them to use for bass management on my Monitor Audio Gold 100s for listening to music:

1. Atoll Pre-amp (HT Bypass)
2. Atoll AV500 (5 channel) so I can Bi amp 

Thanks again for your help!
congrats.  What did you get to audition?  I bet you had a good time and probably realized how some gear just didn't do it for you, while these pieces did.  Always fun to hear stories from new folks and their surprise when they hear gear and don't just read about it.  :)
Enjoy your two systems! Please post your thoughts on how they sound to you.
Are you getting the Atoll integrated or just a preamp?  I'm not sure why you're so high on biamping.  I think you're better off getting fewer but better amplifier channels for the same money and forgo biamping.