"Dead Can Dance", what is your impression?

When I heard "Spirit Chaser", I pictured some unknown jungle tribe chanting in a strange tongue as they moved to the beat of huge animal skin drums around a roaring fire in the middle of the night. To complete this picture, there were odd critter sounds in the background. Listen to "Dead Can Dance", and let your imagination run wild. Tell us what you see.
Nice post! it's great to see what's good from this incredible band. I've played into the labyrinth hundreds of times and always wanted to pick up the others.
DCD my favorite band for the past 23 years, have seen them live many many times and in different countries.I obviously own every single album from them.I you are not aware they are coming up with an new album pretty soon.

The 'original' Dead Can Dance was great. 
This song is cross between junk and double junk.