Have you heard the Sprout100?

I'm just starting to review the PS Audio Sprout100, and the first 24 hours has been incredible. Onboard DAC is of PS Audio quality, no comparison to external DAC coming in via analog inputs. Scott McGowan has solved issues with USB as source. No digital Coax, just toslink. ICEedge technology is sweet.
Hazsve you seen the crazy video of Scott driving the Infinity IRS-V's with the Sprout100? Lol, but gotta say it held it's own.
i heard the sprout 100 recently and i gotta say it's a very impressive piece of machinery for $599--even the bluetooth sounded good. did not seem underpowered at all--the all-in-one functionality, small form factor and clean design should satisfy 99% of folks out there.
I have BEl Canto C5i which is a wonderful unit also.  I wonder how these two compare?
$2,000 vs. $599.
Made in Minnesota versus "Designed in Boulder, Made in China"
Having never heard the Bel Canto, I am going to lean in that direction just based on the price.
The Sprout100 has a Bass Boost, which helps if you don't have a sub-woofer. But even with Boost, I find the Bottom-end a bit on the weak side. The Sprout detects you plugging in a sub-woofer, and shuts off the Boost. That tells me that you really need a sub. ICEedge technology has really exploited the Class-D amplifier chip.