your reference dvd

so lets say you've got friends coming over that have never experienced a great home theater, which dvd do you reach for?
Sort of depends on what you want to demonstrate right? For me to show all around sound and its emotional impact I 2nd The Dark Knight. To scare folks with my sub Nothing beats the last hour of the Matrix-Revelations (aka Matrix 3)
I think for audio sound, when Terminator Salvation comes out November 23rd, the latest Star Trek on October 23rd, and Transformers 2(Rise Of The Fallen) on October 24th will all be #1,2 & 3 on the board. I saw all three at the theater and in my opinion they will all be at the top of the 3 dimensional audio none.....For bass levels, if done well, Terminator Salvation and Transformers 2 will be vibrating everything in your house and down the street....with a descent calibrated subwoofer.....With the fast moving space scenes in Star Trek to the actual Egyption pyramids in Transformers 2 to the huge mechanical battle droid in Terminator Salvation will for sure test your plasma/lcd/lcd(LED)'s video capabilites to the fullest......I can't wait......

When I wan to show off, I throw Planet Earth in. Looks awesome on the 60" Pioneer Elite - certain jaw dropping. For sound, I jut have them come upstairs into the sound room :)