Marantz SA-10 arriving Monday!

I've been hearing and reading all I can about this player during this last year. I have a 6005 right now and it's a nice player but not as good as my analog rig (10k) so it's not a fair comparison. Elizabeth mentioned that her SA-10 is better than her analog. I will be comparing the 2 SACD players side by side. I have at least 3 CD's in which I have duplicates. I'm fascinated about how the circuitry upsamples to DSD SACD. Well not exactly but somehow an improvement over Redbook CD. I have a 2" thick maple block coming in the same day for it. It's going to be a long weekend. I know it can't work miracles on all CD's. If there is jitter in the recording then supposedly you will never get that out. Speak up if I'm wrong about that.
I wish I hadnt sold my old rat shack meter on eBay back in 06. Im gifting my son my old Bryston amp ,preamp 8005 player. He only has to buy speakers and Maggie's is one I suggested to him since he is in an apartment.
And that they are excellent speakers from what I have heard, Ive read people that sell theirs sometimes end up buying another pair.
Yes I have a P1000. About my system sounding shrill 10 days ago. What ever cold it had it cured itself or I helped it. I waited 6 days  to post here to make sure it was still sou,ding excellent. When I first got the SA-10 I PUT ONE OF MY 2 VPI bricks (it's a black hole for stray electronic fields) on top near its transformer. I immediately wrote a post about it being the best digital I had ever heard. Then a week after that it had what I call digititus, sounding thin and shrill. I was dumbfounded. I then realized I had moved my VPI brick to the preamp!! I out it back on the player and it sounded much much better!!! I cannot fathom a well designed player like mine being vulnerable to electrical field anomalies. So my hypothesis is that it's heavy weight damped the chassis. Or my system was still in the break in stage and regressed. Or I had unplugged my power cords and that dissipated any static. I just know now my player sounds fantastic. Elizabeth, do you have any tweaks done on your player?
Oh one more thing. I blew a fuse on the preamp and  replaced it with the same make. Has anyone noticed after a fuse change that their stereo sounds different?
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