Replacing fuse

Would replacing an 6.3A SLO BLO fuse with an 8 SLO BLO fuse be ok? Thanks for any information.
Most fuses offer 30 day guarantee. So, what are you waiting for? Besides I already told you how to improve whatever run of the mill fuse you already have. 
When I got my my modded Hafler DH-220, they had cryo-treated, ceramic audiophile fuses.  I melted them pushing Maggie MMGs at moderate volume playing mostly jazz music.  Go figure.
I replaced them with standard glass fuses because it's what I had on hand, and they worked fine (same amp rating). 
Then I read about standard ceramic fuses offering a slight increase in SQ, so I swapped out for them. 
I DID notice a slight improvement in SQ, and stopped there.  Ceramics are fine with me.
ALL of my research - which was considerable - had electricians and electrical engineers suggesting that using fuses with SMALL increases in suggested amp ratings posed little problem, and wasn't worth dithering over.
Would you want to replace a 6.3A with a 15A?  Or even a 10A?Probably not.But an 8A shouldn't present a problem if your original fuse was 6.3.I would hazard an educated guess that that little 8A fuse will blow long before you run the risk of ...................burning down the house. 
I agree with almarg and auxinput.

Thanks for all the input.As for the 30 day guarantee by the time you have fuses burned in enough to clearly hear a difference good or bad the grace period would probably be voided and be stuck with a fuse that wasn't a good match for the amp.
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john421 OP
Thanks for all the input.As for the 30 day guarantee by the time you have fuses burned in enough to clearly hear a difference good or bad the grace period would probably be voided and be stuck with a fuse that wasn't a good match for the amp.

>>>>Geez, you’ve got an excuse for everything. I declare thee a troll!