Headphone cable, what do you do?

I hope it is not just me but none of the headphones I have owned over last few years have long enough cable to reach from my headphone amp to my normal listening, lounging seat.

At present I have been using a fairly cheap 20ft extension cable I purchased off eBay but upon reflection could this be degrading the sq?

Surely I am not the only one in this situation so my question is what do you do? Your solution?
Like almost everthing in Audio, if you are willing to pay you can get a longer Cable and one that will sound better. 
I suggest going to Head-FI . Org web site where all things headphones are discussed. Lot of threads on Cable up grades specific to a particular headphone.

David Pritchard
I guess what I am really trying to find out is if I am severely degrading the sq on my cans by using a pro audio extension cable?
Meaning what have other users actually done about it?
Or do you all just move your chair close enough so your supplied cans cables reach!
@uberwaltz Probably. One cannot say for sure because the only way for you to know is to test it out for yourself.

I have the Focal Utopia headphones and was one of the early adopters and at that time Focal included a 4M stock cable. The US customers howled and now (at least for the US market) a 3M cord is included. The Europeans (and I’m guessing others as well) prefer longer stock or custom lengths. I fall within this group, because I can also watch TV or movies via my headphones, should I want a different experience or I need to be quiet due to family reasons.

I have a 3M DanaCables Lazuli Reference cord that I wish was 4 meters at times.

My recommendation is to purchase a quality leash and not use an extension. It can always be reterminated, should you move to another connector set for a future headphone. As always, frustrations pile up when one needs that extra foot or more. Go long. : )
I will check into if Audeze make longer cable as they  use their own connection at cans that is way different to say AT cans as I previously had.
If not I guess will have to be an aftermarket cable to fit.

Thank you