Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
And if I remember correctly, I believe Ohm still has updated models available for reduced cost or possibly some remaining S3's or Super 2-S3's, which are updated Ohm 2's. I wouldn't wait until Fall to give John a call

By the way, there is a nice looking pair of Ohm 4's up for bid on ebay- recently serviced by Ohm.

In any case, I can't wait to read your impressions of any Ohm with the Conrad Johnson!

Thanks, Parasound, but I won't have the cash until a bonus check on August 31st. FYI, only my preamp is C-J. My amp is the Odyssey Audio HT3.

Mapman - this must be a no-risk trial for me. I can't spend that kinda money without a way out if they aren't everything I hope they will be. Ohm's 120 day trial is the only reason I am even considering the purchase. Buying used for an upgrade or trade-in means too many complications if I do not like the Ohms in my system. Plus, I admit that I like the idea of rounded cabinets and improved finishes. I don't mind spending the $2800, if the 2000s are all that I hope they will be (in fact, they'd be a bargain at $2800 if they produce the same reaction from me as the Roman Audio Centurians or Silverline Boleros). My current speakers, Vandy 1Cs, were bought new at full retail nine years ago. For the money, it is still one of the better speakers out there, and was maybe the best for under $1000 nine years ago. I do not regret paying retail at all: If a product offers good value at its list price, I am fine with paying retail.
Pretty sure you'll be pleased with them. I'm not sure how you feel about the theory of the break-in period. I myself was a non-believer until I got the Micro Walsh Talls. They sounded great right out the box, but the tonal quality definitely changed over the course of 100 hours. The change greatly affected placement My point is, even if you disregard burn-in as bunk, be prepared to break them in for about 100 hours.

At any rate, a comparison with the Vandy's also sounds interesting They were on my short list before I went with the Ohm's.

Hey Bondmanp! I really like Vandys, and I'm an even bigger Ohm fan (I chose MWTs over the 1C).
There IS some kind of deal out there for you. They're a great investment. The thing I like about Ohms, is all of the money I've saved by buying them when I did. Otherwise I'd have been on the speaker merry-go-round for the last 5 years...