Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
How can the Ohm Walsh 5000 match such a wide range of room sizes?

Can you play the Ohm's at lower sound levels and still get involving sounds? Some speakers sound flat and dull unless you turn them up loud.
"How can the Ohm Walsh 5000 match such a wide range of room sizes?"

4 separate 3-way level adjustments including a low bass level adjustment that you set to small, medium or large depending on room size.

"Can you play the Ohm's at lower sound levels and still get involving sounds? Some speakers sound flat and dull unless you turn them up loud."

Yes, but you need a good, high current, matching amp to deliver truly balanced results at low levels in particular.

I use Ohm 100s with subs and find that they are in that group of speakers which doesn't really sing til you turn 'em up a fair bit. Just MHO. BTW, I love the speakers. As trade-offs go, I'll take this one.

I'd agree that the OHMs are at their unique lifelike best at more lifelike listening volumes.

They can do well at low volumes, but will not differentiate themselves from most other good speakers that way.

Planars and electrostats like Maggies excel at lower volumes where big dynamics are less of a concern IMHO.

I also have a pair of small Triangle monitors that are perhaps as good as I have heard at low volumes. The OHMs are not too far being those at low volumes however.
Yesterday, A friend who went to the recent Paul McCartney concert at FedEx field in DC with me brought over a copy of a very good promotional (or bootleg?) copy of McCartney's performance at Coachella earlier this year that a friend had given him.

We sat down and listened using the Walsh 2 S3s.

He commented on how the sound presentation and quality was very reminiscent of the concert we had attended together. I had the same impression as well.

By design, we had field level seats in the sonic "sweet spot" at the FedEx field concert and the overall sound quality there was top notch for a venue that size.

That was a nice feather in the hat of the OHMs that I thought y'all might appreciate.