In need high-efficency speakers

I recently purchased a preowned Mystere IA-11 40 watt tube integrated amp to replace a 120 wpc SS amp. Overall it has a very satisfying sound with plenty of detail, dynamics and a tight bass for a tube amp.

The problem is the combination of our large town-home living/dining room combo with my 87db DIY Seas Froy Mk3 speaker, powered by the 40 watt amp means it can’t play loud, especially a problem with movies or TV specials.

I was hoping to change to the Zu Audio Omen Mk2 or Klipsch Heresy III high-efficency speakers. My wife and I agree it is unwise to spend that kind of money with our current finances. The Zu Dirty Weekend would be a cheaper option, but the Klipsch would look better in our living room.

So I’m looking for solid advice on what to do from this audiophile community.

Here is a link to my ’Virtual System’ if that will help.

Thanks all,
@ wolf_garcia , Yes, I ride a tube frame with a Stage 3 motor , Ohlins / Works Performance suspension . Clip on’s and rear sets . Only 150 mph Sportster on the block . Also have a Road King . If I didn’t have the bikes, the guns , the boat , I could have a real set of speakers . But back to speakers , any thoughts on Tekton’ s Perfect Set ? 
Gawdbless, I heard the tekton  monitor impact at Axpona, they did not sound musical , it’s probably the room, the set up, or the component just did not match, I own the monitor for six months before Axpona, they were burn in and settled...they are very musical if you can find the right match of gears and room, Read Teajay review and post here, He described accurately the way they sound.....
I think going from memory the Tektons in one of  the two rooms they had were using Parasound Amps? I could be wrong though. I will go and listen again this year if they are there as there are many devotees on here raving about them. 
Agree with jayctoy.  Take a look at Omega.  Wonderful sound and very efficient. Definitely give Louis a call or email.
Another single-driver possibility:

Caintuck Audio - Open Baffle Betsy. Very affordable.

They do need to be out in the room... well away from sides and wall behind to get the best sound. Not certain you can accommodate them in that regard though your overall room dimension is well-suited to them.

See also the Caintuck video at