Parasound - Your idea is actually a very good one. First, I agree, it should aid in the burn-in process. Second, my comments would be more relevent if I listen to them full-range. That said, you've got to hear the Vandersteen 2Wq to understand how well they work. Completely different presentation from your typical home theater burp-box, and very easy to blend with one's main speakers.
Rebbi - I would certainly try some out to see if an upgrade is worthwhile. What kind of budget are looking at? Does your Unico have pre-outs? If so, you might consider a separate power amp, especially if you like the Unico's character.
Rebbi - I would certainly try some out to see if an upgrade is worthwhile. What kind of budget are looking at? Does your Unico have pre-outs? If so, you might consider a separate power amp, especially if you like the Unico's character.