AC Regenerator

Does anyone who has a hi end system use a AC regenerator?
If yes, how much (%) the sound becames really better?
Which is the best brand? 

Thanks a lot,

I have been using PS Audio regenerators for years. I currently have my entire system connected to a PS Audio P5 regenerator, with the exception of my two powered subwoofers.  Even though the power I receive from the wall is relatively clean, (1.7% THD).  After regeneration, the power my equipment is being fed has .1% THD.  That is clean power.  The cleaner the power you deliver to your system, the cleaner each component begins its job of contributing to your system's musical performance.

The P3, P5, P10 series was a huge performance jump for PS's regenerators.  The previous model, the Premier Power Plant, although designed at PS's Colorado home was manufactured in China and reliability and therefore performance was problematic.  Example.  I plugged my entire system into my PPP and the power demand toasted the regenerator. PS Audio, being the customer service oriented company that it is, sent me a new PPP.  That was fine, but I had to buy a Duet power conditioner for my power amp. so I wouldn't toast this PPP.

Knowing the problems with the PPP, PS set out to redesign their regenerators and that effort gave birth to the P3, P5, P10 line.  They offered a generous upgrade stipend if you returned your PPP for one of the new models.  That's how I came to have my P5. It is designed and built in Boulder, CO.  It is built like, well, a tank!  Even with my power amp. plugged in with the rest of my system I am only using 30% of its capability!

PS Audio has recently redesigned their line again.  The P12, P15 and P20 are their current offerings.

Paul McGowan and Co. are a class outfit!  If you would decide to got the PS route, Don't get any of their models that precede the P3,5,10.

I love the sound of my system with the P5 and it is staying put.
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Another PS Audio user here, dual P10's in my case.  I used a P300 back when PS Audio put out their first regenerator (late 90's), and I wasn't all that impressed (except by the waste heat - - wow did it get hot!).  The P10 is entirely a different story, delivering reliable power while generating just a bit of heat itself.  I agree with Elizabeth's general descriptions for the improvements to be had, but with the P10 I don't lose the bass output, even with my 300 watt ss Class A/B mono amps plugged in.  I get a system that does not vary so much from midday to late night, etc., and with all of the clarity and "rightness" of music.  I think they are well worthwhile.