Driving Totem Acoustic Winds with Peachtree Grand Inegrated X-1(Class D) Amp ?

I'm currently driving a pair of Mirage OMD-15 towers with my Peachtree Audio Grand Integrated X-1, Class D amplifier.  I'm considering upgrading my speakers and have an interest in the Totem Acoustic Winds.  I am far, far away from a Totem dealer so taking my amp in for an audition is not a realistic option.  Any constructive comments about the proposed set-up would be appreciated.  Any speakers I buy will probably be second hand and I'm also considering a pair of PSB Synchrony One's.
I listen to a pair of Totem Forests driven by a Taranis Class D amp.  I greatly enjoy the music produced.  I am using a tube preamp with the Taranis and all balanced connections from DAC to pre to Taranis.  Haven't compared specs of the Acoustic Winds to the Forests, however.  Hoping the Totem "house sound" applies and makes these comments relevant.    
I guess what I'm questioning is whether the Totem "house sound" is simpatico with the Peachtree Audio amp "house sound".  Clearly, with 440 watts at 8 ohms, the Grand Integrated has the oomph to drive almost anything, but it may not mate well with Totem speakers.  I'm hoping for some experienced feedback from the forum members.
Hmm...I thought positive experience with Totem and high watt Class D amplification might be of some use.  I can't speak to what Peachtree's house sound is.  I can say I've run the Forests with 6 different amps (3 tube-based) over the 11+ years I've had them.  They never sounded bad with any of those but definitely sounded better with some...the Forest/Taranis being one of the most enjoyable pairings.    Maybe someone with actual Peachtree/Totem experience will reply.