Thiel CS2.4 to what?

I'm getting the itch to upgrade my speakers (Thiel CS2.4). Nothing really wrong with them, they image like crazy, is like a clear window into the music, but I sometimes feel they are a bit too "reserved" and missing the joie de vivre. Looking for something that instills more life.

Rest of the system is PS Audio DirectStream Dac driving a pair of Bel Canto Ref500M. Front end includes a PS Audio PerfectStream Transport, a Auralic Aries streamer, Clearaudio turntable with PS Audio NuWave phono. All cables are Cardas.

My room is a semi-dedicated room (sharing it with my office, which is in an alcove off the listening room). I do have a sloped ceiling on the front wall (it's a finished attic), about 16' wide and 14' deep. Some acoustic panels to tame reflections.

Budget would be in the range of $4-6000 above what I can get for the Thiels (thinking about $2k as they are in awesome condition and has the upgraded maple finish). Basically, what would you recommend that is similar to the Thiel, but has more dynamics and a bit less sterile.
"Sunfire would be a close second to REL. Happy Listening!"

I love Bob Carver and use a Sunfire amp, but their subs are far from great.  If you have no room for anything larger, they can serve a purpose, otherwise they are best avoided.  High distortion, poor response curve (QTC), and poor group delay.  Thiel Small parameters didn't change for Sunfire, they just shrunk the box and the efficiency and then used power to try and compensate.  
From what I've read I think the Audio Physics are somewhat similar with a great soundstage and some models should be available around $6000-$7000, cheaper if you go pre-used. I also like Focal but Focal Sopra are more expensive. I don't remember what the Marten Design speakers cost but they are also worth investigating.

My experience says Thiels are way more persnickety of feeding electronics than most.
very resolving, kind of like horns
I also have a sub, To add to the drive that Thiels are a little light on

My experience of going from a 200 watt class D amp to a Pass labs ( big current) was enlightening . The pass added another 2 woofers to the sound and drive vs ICE amp( against normal advice?)
Your note on " not the best recordings" as being shrill, follows my thoughts and ears.
I added great tubes in preamp and that solved my "shrillness" issues.
SS amp with tube preamp to " tune the sound" worked for Thiels

Now, I've switched speakers and am working on the " shrillness" ,again, but to a very small part when loudness is high.
especially when you prefer very resolving speakers

I think older " crap" rock recordings are a tough nut to crack and I am trying a DAC as final tuning for the shrill/ edge
You have the PS Directstream that I was surching for, but evidently is not the solution?
Maybe Chord?

Anyway, That damn system synergy thing!!    Lol
