Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Welcome! audiojanas you discovered, once the CS 2.4 is dialed-in, magic happens.I look forward in reading more about your audio journey. A home's alcove can really add something special to any system. Placement is key.
Happy Listening!
jonandfamily-as above, consult Mr. Rob Gillum. Hope you guys are enjoying Summer.Happy Listening!
tomthiel- the speakers are in the larger open space, not in the alcove. My office is in the alcove right off my listening room. The space they're in is about 12' wide and 16' long with acoustic panels on the long wall behind the speakers. The ceiling is tall, but since it's in the attic, it slopes from about 5' up to the peak.

I will add a subwoofer to augment the bass of the Thiel's.
The rest of the system is PS Audio DirectStream DAC, driving the Bel Canto REF500M mono blocks via Cardas Cross XLR and to the Thiel CS2.4's via Cardas Cross speaker cables. Front end includes Auralic Aries SE to DS via AQ Carbon USB, PS Audio PerfectWave transport via AQ Carbon HDMI (i2s), PS Audio NuWave phono via AQ Carbon HDMI from a Clearaudio Champion.
audiojan - nice system. I do have a reservation about the Bel Canto. The site states minimum impedance 3 ohms. Some class D amps hit a brick wall at their minimum impedance. The CS2.4 drops to 2.73 ohms at 600 Hz. I wonder if you might be running out of amp, rather than out of woofer. Might you borrow a known-to-be-bulletproof amp to see if the bass comes to life?