Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.

Thanks for the if. The 500W Wyreds could well be the way I go. The value is there and your recommendatio with the 5s makes for a strong case. Thanks!

THE, nice $100 pickup. Upgrading will make a big difference. It did when I went from original Walsh 2s to my current "Super" Walsh 2s (1003 drivers). Keep us posted!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Ohm and our monster thread! ;-)

Here are my main choices as I see it:

I can get a Manley Shrimp tube preamp - excellent reviews - for $1100 here on A'gon. It has an output impedance of 50 ohms, good fit for the Bel Canto. And a guy on Audio Asylum is using just this amp/preamp combo and really likes it. Advantage: maybe great sound, and I get to mess with tubes. Disadvantages: a little over my budget, and no remote.

OR: I can snag a Bel Canto Pre3 preamp for $999, plus shipping. Advantages: barely within my budget, aesthetic and acoustic match and remote control, so no getting up and down to adjust volume. Disadvantage: don't get to mess with tubes. :-)

What do you think? Hurry, please! :-)

That's a tough one!

I suspect either will sound very good and thr right choice is the one with the features that best float your boat!
I just sent payment for the Manley Shrimp! The reviews for the Pre3/S300 combo are excellent, but the reviews for the Manley Shrimp (by users and reviewers) are ecstatic, and I really did want to try a tube preamp. It'll be a more complex physical setup -- the two Bel Canto pieces would have stacked on top of each other and fit on top of my stereo cabinet. The full width Manley and half-width BC will take some fiddling to place. The only substantial deficit in the new setup will be lack of a volume control, which I can live with if the sound quality is what I think it might be. The Bel Canto arrives today. I'll report back when both pieces are in place and working! :-)