Audioquest WEL innerconnects are the older models the same as current model?

Hi all, I’ve tried AQ and like it, tried over cables like many people and thinking going back to AQ. A friend of mine has offered me some of is AQ WEL that are around 9 years old, would they be the same as a current set of WEL signature? If they are I’d be interested in trying them.

Regards .
@mulveling sorry I just deleted as I didn’t want it to come across as whiny 🤩
zipost, Odin cables are not Audioquest cables. Try to keep up with your own discussion. Audioquest’s own website has a pictorial review of their California manufacturing plant. Is this a global conspiracy? 😬 Audioquest, of all cable companies, would have no desire to “share” their technology with China nor to “cheapen their brand” by doing so. If it doesn’t make sense it’s not true.
Everest (for speakers), WEL XLR (IC), Hurricane (PC) and Diamond (for USB).. I'm a very big fan of AQ and I won't leave their boat soon!
The description comparing the WEL revisions is accurate - it's about the braid and the connectors as mulveling and folkfreak already wrote.
So i got the WEL xlr cables and have had them in my system now for a week and was hoping them would meet my expectations but i'm very disapointed with the sound. They just don't suit my system, they sound thin and cynical with no weight not what i was expecting. I put my Audio note ISIS back in and was easily better. Iguess you just have to try them and see how they sound with your system.
Yes, cables and power cords must be tried in any system to test its synergy.  Trust your own ears.  Happy Listening!