Please , Thank you.Help in choosing a CD or a CD/Universal player

I just purchased a Vincent CD S1.2, it sounds pretty good but with my Dynaudio Neo 2’s, they seem a little "bright?" on the high end, or maybe just me. I’m not sure if those two are a good match. So, I am looking at possibly moving to different player(again). I mostly listen to Redbook cds, but have a few HDCDs and SACDs, and even a few DVD-A disks. I have a smallish size listening area, carpeted and am think about getting some new stands for the speakers (IsoAccoustics) to see if that will help any.
Here are the ones I am looking at:
1. Linn Unidisk SC
2. Hegel CDP4A MkII
3. Or any Rega, I have been told and read that they are reliable nice sounding units.
4. Or? Please fill in your suggestion...
I know the first two units may be dated and the Linn has VG ratings and the Hegel, I can’t find too much on that one. The quality of sound vs. the costs might turn out to be a high value (If found under <$800)?
Any assistance in this would be appreciated. I am just looking for a reliable superior sounding unit, cannot afford new so...Thank you for your input and I gladly welcome suggestions.

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Thanks d2girls & jafant, I have just picked up a Rega Apollo 35th Anniversary model.  Man, this is nice sounding articulate player.
And exceptional match with the Heed and the Reference 3A Dulcet'.  Wow, and wow.  The Rega way outperforms the 752bd (with red-book cds) and very close to the Primare.  But, alas, my memory is beginning to fade...  
Regarding the New Apollo: I am now wondering, and I am curious though (as usual), how the newest Rega would compare with the 35th...The search continues.  
On a sad note, my Linn Majik 1 arrived today, it was thrashed in shipping.  Can't blame anyone specific, as it was handled by three (or 4) separate carriers.  The shipper (form the UK) did an excellent job of proper packing and protection. But, even that wasn't enough to keep the shippers from dropping on a corner and then another hole where an object penetrated the box and super padded wrapping to demolish the IEC inlet and buckle the top of the unit.  It was a beautifully maintained Integrated by the first/original owner. An item in that condition will be very difficult to find and will probably give that each up.  I was so looking forward to listing to this.  My misfortune with carriers is growing at a rapid pace.   Darn, darn, darn. (as Herman Monster would say)...


"Oppo’s can be programmed to output DSD from SACD..."
How simple is it? Which output does it go through?

jafant:  Haven’t found any repair shops yet.  I am getting a refund for the Linn Majik1 integrated, they met me keep the amp, too bad I know nothing about repairing though. Still, I will tinker with it and see what happens. Thanks for keeping in touch!