Please , Thank you.Help in choosing a CD or a CD/Universal player

I just purchased a Vincent CD S1.2, it sounds pretty good but with my Dynaudio Neo 2’s, they seem a little "bright?" on the high end, or maybe just me. I’m not sure if those two are a good match. So, I am looking at possibly moving to different player(again). I mostly listen to Redbook cds, but have a few HDCDs and SACDs, and even a few DVD-A disks. I have a smallish size listening area, carpeted and am think about getting some new stands for the speakers (IsoAccoustics) to see if that will help any.
Here are the ones I am looking at:
1. Linn Unidisk SC
2. Hegel CDP4A MkII
3. Or any Rega, I have been told and read that they are reliable nice sounding units.
4. Or? Please fill in your suggestion...
I know the first two units may be dated and the Linn has VG ratings and the Hegel, I can’t find too much on that one. The quality of sound vs. the costs might turn out to be a high value (If found under <$800)?
Any assistance in this would be appreciated. I am just looking for a reliable superior sounding unit, cannot afford new so...Thank you for your input and I gladly welcome suggestions.


Showing 11 responses by jafant

Thank You - lostnamerica
looking forward to your comparison between the Cambridge, Linn and Primare.  Happy Listening!
Good to hear from you - lostnamerica
I liked the Cambridge 651BD spinner as well. I have not heard the 752BD model.  How did you like the Primare CD32? An incredible story involving FedEx?

Hope you are well and enjoying Alaska.  Happy Listening!
I am looking for an update on your spinner situation. Which player (s) did you buy/sell?  Did you move to AK as well?
Happy Listening!

the BD32 is a universal spinner. It was released in 2012 and would be a great buy on the used/demo market.

How do you like the I32? What other gear is in your system?
Happy Listening!
Modded players are sweet- lostnamerica
I have been curious about the Primare I32/CD32 combo. I would like to hear the advancements over the older I22/CD22 combo.  No local dealer/retailer though?  Staying tuned...

Happy Listening!


you sold the CD32? How long did it reside in your system?

Happy Listening!

Thanks! for the update- lostnamerica

what other gear including cabling is in your system?

Which genre(s) of music is in your collection?

Happy Listening!

looking forward in reading your report on the CD32- lostnamerica

Happy Listening!