new york city audio show 2018

it doesn't look they have enough exhibitors to run a show,  unless one of the nyc dealers gets involved.

how the mighty have fallen. we have plenty of new hotels(rooms)

Hi. Justin Bird here from The Chester Group, who organise the NY Audio Show. More than happy to answer any questions you may have about this years show. The show will take place this year as it has every year since 2012
Look forward to hearing from you
I look forward to it. Last year's was pretty good as far as I'm concerned with some great displays.
@birdyboy Justin, Looking forward to the show. Thanks for taking the effort to hold it.
As thankful as I feel about the resurrected NYC shows, they've proven among the worst I’ve attended. As I reported in many threads here, last year’s was particularly bad, with a incredibly small number of rooms and outside of a few outliers, poor sound. Even more scary is to find myself as one of the very few people under geriatric age, let alone 50. The overall lack of energy, excitement, and quality sent me home feeling sad about what’s come of this business.

The only other show in my overall worst is the Capital Audio Fest, which has improved to the point of becoming a decent enough venue