New Dolby Atmos processor. Poor sound quality

I have just bought a new Dolby Atmos processor. Rather expensive . Launched recently.
And I hate the sound.
l have been used to  Bass and Treble tuning
The unit has for each of the 14 channels  : Frequency-Bandwidht-Gain-Crossover- Polarity.
I do not understand anything about that.
It doest not come with EQ Auto Corrector tuning. There will be an upgrade availlable in a few months ,at an extra cost of 2500$. It must be done by an autorised dealer.

Is it possible to make adjustement by myself to change the sound.
Or should I hire a audio tecnician .
l am from Canada and I have bought the processor directly from the US manufacturer. They do not have dealers in Canada. So , l can’t go and talk to my dealer as it should normaly be done.


p.s.  This is a interview about tuning adjusment .

Gordon Shackelford – Krell

Published on: August 19, 2017

Technology Insider Group

Nearly every custom project I’ve ever dealt with was based on the reality that the folks who are paying for these systems don’t have the time or inclination to learn all about custom install. They simply and rightly expect a reliable setup that functions flawlessly, is bulletproof, easily controlled and whose performance screams value and money well spent. This is why the recent push for do-it-yourself smart home products baffled me, because it goes against the grain of the true value-add that an excellent integrator brings to the scene. Even the simplest do-it-yourself setup is too complicated for most of the customers I’ve dealt with. Whether it is Nest, Sonos or Harmony remote controls, my clients could never be bothered with anything more than basic instructions involving as few button pushes as possible.

Lets triage
2 channel stereo balanced
1 digital source
Assign a digital coax or hdmi to the source, impedenfe mismatch or you got a lemon, call acurus

Set the device to bitstream
Test tone in stereo, listen to a 2ch cd in stereo with the front set to large

Post removed 
As l wrote to auxinput  :  No matter the source, power cord, audio mode. Even in stereo mode
( two channel ) the sound is very .unpleasant..

BlueRay  ( HDMI ) , Pro iDSD streamer DAC (XLR) and DVD Player  (coaxial ) are  already set to bitstreem. 

According to the owner’manual, stereo mode is the best audio mode of the ACT 4.

I have an other issue with the unit ( the third ), l E-Mailed the technical service yesterday. Until now, I have been answered by the co founder of the company.
But I haven’t heard   from them ( about EQ tuning ) for the past 4 days .
I am affraid , if they learn about my thread here, I will not be on their beloved  client list.

Before ,posting a discussion thread here, I have tried everything.

Except  frequencies, bandwidth , gain, crossover,  as mentionned in the begining of my thread.
talking to me about those items is the same to me than talking Norwegian.
The owner’s manual identifies those settings ,without explaining what they are and what it does.
My understanding , as I mentionned to the co founder of Indy Audio Labs, is that the average client who buys that expensive kind of audio gear is not 20 ,30 or 40 years old. At this stage of their  life, they have other priority with their money.
The 50 years old and over costumer, on average, contrary to the kids today, is not a electronic or computer wizard. He is not an audio engeneer either.
In my honest opinion.
It is also the opinion of  Gordon Shackelford – Krell as mentionned
on this tread.


Rick Santiago, co founder and chief engeneer at Indy Audio Labs
send me an E Mail this morning  with extended informations about EQ settings.
He gave his setting recommandations ( frequencies-gain- bandwidth - low shelving filter- high shelving filter )for the kind of sonic experience I like : classical music , accoustic and brasillian accoustic jazz.
IMHO , it is out of reach for the average audiophile.
You better have a good and toughtful dealer .
The sound is very good
There is another ACT 4 in my place.

Thanks everybody for you help
Greatly appreciated