Need to recap my Classe Audio DR-8 Amps - need suggestions

I recently purchased two Classe Audio DR-8 amps. The amps were barely used and are in mint condition, but I think I need to have them recapped due to being over 20 years old. I am guessing Classe Audio would be the best place to have the amps recapped, but I am not sure. Any suggestions where to have the amps recapped and what I should expect to pay?

Also should I recap my DR-5 pre amp?


Jack I will call you out anytime …..especially when you answer an OP's question the way you did which didn't address the original issue or concern. I just see may people do that here for reasons that I still shake my head at. Classe' is not the company they were which is shame and as I noted I would start there …. My facts are straight by the way, as I noted that United Radio Service in Syracuse , NY will service the Classe' gear and will do a great job. Why, I had them work on my Classe' DR -9 years ago. The DR-8's are great amps and I hope Mr Kdross can get them updated and working.

Kdross I live in Syracuse so if you need anything on United Radio drop me an email and I will help with any questions.         


Here is a post on re-forming, this guy knows more about electronics in his sleep, than some of the aggro know all's here.
" Electrolytics will have a very long shelf life.
But will NEED to be reformed slowly to achieve their specified parameters. I am not surprised that high quality 40 year old electrolytic's still meet specification after reforming."
Also from Silicon Chip Magazine on how to do it, if you have the gear and knowledge. (you have to pay for the full article)

As I said I've done many, never been a problem, so long as they didn't leak out any of their electrolyte fluid to start with.

Cheers George

Forget about it and use the amps and enjoy them..  If they have an issue, just contact the service centre and send them in (costly, but nice to have that available).

I sent a DR3-VHC in a few years ago (when Classe was owned by B&W) and they repaired it with no problem.

Just had an electrolytic cap crap out on me in my DAC1 D/A converter and just had it serviced locally - nothing 'touchy' like the VHC Darlington output devices that would give a tech any problems. 

Similarly, had a preamp (DR-7, an over  the top assault on the then state of the art preamp, with twin phono stages and a separate power supply the size of your DR8) give some problems, but had a local tech clean the contacts on the twin volume switches - not everything needs to go to the manufacturer.
Jon Soderberg of Vintage Amp Repair.   He was a part of Threshold back in the day.   Once in awhile something comes up for sale that has been refurbed by him.   Lot of good reports as to his work.  Ive never had him do anything for me but have communicated a number of times and would definitely go with him considering the wealth of experience he has and is located in Cali.  
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