Focal Electra BE series

Can anyone give feedback on Focal Electra BE series either 1028be or 1038be, possibly even 1027 or 1037 be series.
Currently have Revel Performa3 F206 and love their natural, clear and faithful to the music uncolored sound. They just aren't efficient enough and need more power handling to push a little louder at times. 
I'm looking for 89-90 or better sensitivity and 300-400 watt power handling.
My front end components are Benchmark DAC2, Ayre K5xemp preamp and Mark Levinson 532h amp rated at 300+ wpc. 
I've heard new Focal Kanta and they sounded excellent,  Electra BE series are a slight step up and are great deals right now. Haven't got a dealer near by to audition. Trying to keep to a slightly smaller than 45" inch tall speaker. 
First post on Audiogon. I was told last year by the distributor at a show introducing the Kanta 2’s that the move to the flax driver was because it was cheaper and easier to make than the W cone.

This idea that the Be tweeter is bright is massively outdated. This was a fair comment years ago but the current Be tweeters are absolutely wonderful (I own a pair of 1008 Be II’s). However, I made the decision to go to floorstanders 6 months ago and the Kanta 2’s were on the list.

I’ve heard the Kanta 2’s twice, once for an extended listening session at a dealer. I was disappointed. Driven by a Devialet integrated (plenty of power), I felt the sound was laid back and not particularly revealing. Imaging was just okay. Bass was just okay. The whole presentation lacked transparency. Listened to Sopra 2’s right after in the same setup. Let’s just say that the higher price for the Sopras was worth it and then some.

I ultimately purchased a used pair of Totem Element Metals which work very nicely in my setup and room. I wanted to love the Kantas because I am a Focal fan and I personally think they look gorgeous in walnut. But I guess I wanted the traditional Focal sound, which tends to be very revealing and detailed. The Kantas didn’t deliver.

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Wow,,,,,mofojo  that's almost hilarious! I liked your post. 

And I really wish someone would kindly reply in a positive review on the 1028be and comparisons to my Revel Performa F206 speakers, if they are comparable as far as neutrality and sound truthful to the music. 
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