Audible Illusions M3B question

I month ago I decided to trade in my older AI Modulus 2 for a new M3B, sending in my money for a trade-in and have heard nothing since. My emails have gone without response, and phone calls to Jerry (described as service manager) are not answered and with no voice message ability--just rings. Needless to say, I am becoming worried that I've been scammed by these folks. Has anyone encountered similar issues? Any suggestions?
I think part of the delay was that AI planned to move their facility from CA to FL. But that is really no excuse for delaying as long as they did, because the majority of the work was done in their AI factory in CA and my unit shipped from their CA facility. After realizing that Art shorted me on the original black knob set, I called him at the phone number of the AI factory in CA. The voice mail message directed me to contact AI at an area code associated with a FL location.
Finally received my Audible Illusions Modulus 3B last week, ordered in late April, so quite a wait. I kept my functioning trade-in unit until this guy arrived. The unit arrived perfectly packed, and plugged it in. The manual states that it needs a week's time to run in, so I've left it running--even though it sounded wonderful immediately on plugging it in. While there may be a difference since, I cannot tell. The unit is beautiful, with the blue lights behind the knobs. I do not find stepped attenuators problematic. The packaging fit my old Modulus perfectly so sending the old unit back was not an issue. They now do live in FL. 
Congratulations.  The M3B is an excellent preamp, very true to the sound.  I have had all 3 Modulus series, the 3, 3A and 3B.  Ther3B was extremely quiet, especially with the relay switching.  My problem was on digital, I could not get the volume controls past 9 o clock.  Another notch up it was way too loud and lower was too soft.  That was my only reason for selling it.  I really loved the sound of the preamp and you will too.  The inside of the preamp is a thing of beauty, expensive parts, double epoxy boards, ceramic  tube holders.  I hope you get many years of pleasure with it.  
Thanks. I mostly listen to digital content, although I have a high end turntable but have donated much of my vinyl content to NPR. I'm happy with the volume level thus far. We're moving to a new listening environment and time will tell. But the acoustic environment in my current study is amazing. So I'm a happy camper.
BTW, I did remove the 12 beautiful gold hex screws fastening the top ands the beautiful guts of the unit.