has anyone ran a comparison of the signal on a real digital scope vs what the unit is telling you?? The units that i had seen calculated THD and the sinewave for the readout with software but did not actually measure said aspects live online.I know this because i have scopes and THD analyzers on line at all times. ps Just bought another THD unit today. the frequency chop in the AC oscillator part has shown noisier than that output of a good UPS and a IGBT AC drive. too many high order harmonics.
again I say run your stuff on DC battery power and compare.
just about every componet converts the AC plug into dc later anyway,
this is the next phase of top line audio equipt.
Hint-the military does this for many critical instruments and not for fear of loosing power. For finite noiseless signals and NO ground loops ever.
again I say run your stuff on DC battery power and compare.
just about every componet converts the AC plug into dc later anyway,
this is the next phase of top line audio equipt.
Hint-the military does this for many critical instruments and not for fear of loosing power. For finite noiseless signals and NO ground loops ever.