MAC Autoformers?

Someone is selling a MAC MA6500 Integrated claiming its superiority over the Ma6600 due to the fact that "it does not have the degrading autoformer design found in the MA6600". That is the first time I've heard a claim that the autoformer was a hindrance to better performance; I thought quite the opposite. What do you MAC Maves think?
I also would like to note that the OP of this thread, Paul R owned a RM-9 Special Edition. We miss Paul, a really good guy.

Totally, "top bloke" had many late night discussions with him.
He really loved his RM-9 Special Edition which he said was a perfect match with my "Lightspeed Attenuator" which he also started thread on, which exploded to over 18 million hits, made my life hell and interesting at the same time, rip Paul miss you heaps.

Cheers George
 At least we agree that Paul was a good guy and liked to experiment with different things. 

I posted this on the thread Roger (ramtubes) started to discuss transformers, but thought I would do it here as well.

Roger gave a 90 minute talk on tube amp design at the 2015 Burning Amp Festival. If you own a tube amp, or are thinking of getting one, you will be glad you watched the video. The video is on You Tube, but also on the Berkeley Hi Fi School website.

Go to "" and put your browser over "RESOURCES". A drop-down screen will appear---click on "VIDEOS". On the right hand side of the page is a row of "ARCHIVES". Click on October 2015, and the video will appear. Prepare to learn a lot!

Paul was awesome. I had the pleasure at hanging out with him at RMAF several years ago. We met in Bobby P.’s room as Paul was a Merlin owner. It was there that I mentioned to him the Lightspeed and he bought it soon thereafter. In addition to the 9SE, Paul also loved his RM-10 and used the Lightspeed with that amp as well. I can't be certain but I have owned my Lightspeed for around 9 or 10 years.