Integra processors good?

Looking to update my 16yr old Denon AVR-3000. I stopped by a local audio store & they suggested the Integra DHC-9.8 which is last years model & almost $1,000 less then the newer DHC-9.9 ($2300ish).

I know nothing about the company or their products so I though I would ask here. The store stated they are the best sounding processor for under $5,000 & are totally hand built!

He would let last years go for $1300, is that worth doing? Is there anything else I should consider?

thanks for any input/help!
As far as features and to get you into a pre/pro, they are ok but the 2 channel sound(and thus HT sound) is very lean according to some. That is the tradeoff for all the video features. It just doesn't sound good, imo, as a preamp.

Cary's new 11a audio processor (it doesn't have a video section but will of course accept and pass HDMI signals) is much better sounding but retails for $3500. There were some initial release issues on some units but I belive those issues have been cleared up with the new software update release. It processes all the new codecs etc.

So it depends on what you value and what your budget can handle. I've owned the 9.8, the Anthem D2 and the Cinema 11a. The Cinema 11a sounds the best of the three but the other two are more feature laden and have integrated video sections. Cary separates the video section in another unti called the 11v if you need one. I run my DVD straight to my TV for Blu-Ray and the HDMI cable to the 11a for lossless decoding.
[quote]As far as features and to get you into a pre/pro, they are ok but the 2 channel sound(and thus HT sound) is very lean according to some. That is the tradeoff for all the video features. It just doesn't sound good, imo, as a preamp.[/quote]

I think this statement must be amended to say that the 9.8 is somewhat lean and less than superb on its analog inputs. That is, regardless of the number of channels used, the performance with digital inputs is very good while the the performance with analog inputs is less so.

It's not a stereo vs. multichannel issue.

On that note, to take advantage of the Audyssey processing, you really need to be using digital inputs anyway, and letting the preamp do all the digital conversion and processing. I think I'm right on this. I would assume most of your important inputs would be on the digital side.
If anyone was planning on using a preamp such as this for 2 channel dubties from analog sources, I would suggest a high end 2 channel preamp.
Just know that you're not going to be taking proper advantage of the excellent room DSP correction, and you deal with your acoustical issues accordingly.
If I had one of these, I'd be doing all digital input application, personally.
You could also look into the Emotivia coming down the pike. Verdict out on what it would sound like though.
thanks everyone.... I am not 100% sure on what to do but this is definantly helping me out a LOT. I was leaning towards a Denon AVR-4308 or a yet to be determined processor (I figured something used for $$ reasons). Then a local shop suggested this piece which is less then what I was planning on spending & offers a lot of nice features..... Do you guys think the integra would sound better then a AVR-4308? I hated the idea of buying a receiver with all the amps in there & not using them at all, seems like a waste to me.

My girlfriend's receiver is a yamaha RXV-2092 that she presently uses & since she is moving in with me we are combining systems. Her receiver is 7yrs newer then mine but it's still 10yrs old.... she has 4 parasound amps (HCA-1500a) which we will be using to run my old infinity kappa speakers. I plan on purchasing used Bryston amps (pr of 7b's or 14b) to power my main speakers (unless there is something better for similar money).
"I am not 100% sure on what to do"

Join the club! I'm almost 100% certain none of us are either! - lol. But I'm glad it's all "helping", as you say.
To answer your question about sound quality between two receivers, I would say it will depend a bit on your needs, and your associated equipment, room, setup, acoustics, etc. One choice may or may not match up better for you than another. To ask "which receiver would sound better?" is relative, basically. I would need more info on your system, to properly qualify that question (system matching is very important), personally. Both are likely not so distance in relative sound quality however. You'll likely though get similar results, from my experience with those brands over the years.
On another note, you say your girlfriend owns a 2092 and Parasound amp combo?
OK, you'll have to forgive me here, and I have to ask - as I can't resist - as someone who's been selling hi-fi to almost exclusively the male popluation, for almost 2 decades now, can anyone else here on the Gon get there head around this scene?!!! Please excuse me but I'm having difficulty envisioning this scenario - lol.
Nevertheless, What's your system like?