Replacing fuse

Would replacing an 6.3A SLO BLO fuse with an 8 SLO BLO fuse be ok? Thanks for any information.
Another comment.  I do not know anyone who will accept a return of a used fuse, except for two:  Synergistic BLACK and Synergistic BLUE.  Anything else you buy is a non-returnable item.
That’s complete hogwash. Almost all fuses come with 30 or sometimes 60 day money back guarantee. One exception is the very latest Audio Magic Ultra Beeswax or whatever it’s called. As for NASA fuses you’re all wet on that one, too. The NASA advanced fuses were discussed a few months back by your humble scribe, who happened to be in satellite operations for NASA for a bunch of years, including pre-launch activities, launch and on orbit operations. Better luck next time. Besides, could 70,000 satisfied aftermarket fuse customers be wrong? 
Huh, when I asked VH audio about returning a fuse I didn't like, he stated the only manufacturers that allows him to do that was Synergistic, and only with the BLACK and BLUE fuses.
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