Projector VS some other type of HDTV

Looking to replace an older CRT HDTV with either a projector or some other type of HDTV. This is going into a former 2 1/2 car garage that has been converted into a home theater room.

Apart from the fact a projector gives a much bigger picture, is there any reason to purchase one over LCD or plasma HDTV?

The 'knock' on projectors is that they don't provide the crisp type of picture one can get with a LCD or Plasma HDTV, any thoughts or comments will be appreciated.

Thank You
I had the same issue, I settled for a projector, with the new projectors (720p or better)I cannot really notice much of a difference, the colour saturation of the 'tv' is better, but for me, My preference was to get an 8 ft diaganol, and I also decided that seeing a dimple on a man's chin who was standing on rear left stage was not that important

If you have been coparing the options side by side the tv will always win out, but if you decide on a projector, after a few viewings, I think you will feel that it is good enough
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Projector = larger image then LCD or plasma.
Projector's image will wash out easier in light. Keep it in a dark room and you should be fine.
High definition 10 ft screen. Front projection done well is as good as it gets IMO.