I know Shakey Graves. (Not exactly a fan, but he got on my radar due to some recommendation).
As I've mentioned, I found the 0/96 and 0/93 imaging pretty good, even if not pin-point. I also really got yet another reminder of the importance of speaker positioning. As you know the Devores generally have a big, rich sound. But at one point while moving them around during my audition the dealer had them closer together, and really toed in heavily. At that point that richness and image size practically disappeared into a small, squeezed sound! Once we spread them out enough again, and aimed them right, then they did that Devore thing with big rich images and weight.
Yeah, if you are wedded to the most pin-point imaging the Devores are the wrong direction. That said, I'm still surprised they didn't turn your crank at all, given the genres you mentioned are particularly suited to the Devores IMO.