Audioquest WEL innerconnects are the older models the same as current model?

Hi all, I’ve tried AQ and like it, tried over cables like many people and thinking going back to AQ. A friend of mine has offered me some of is AQ WEL that are around 9 years old, would they be the same as a current set of WEL signature? If they are I’d be interested in trying them.

Regards .
To be perfectly honest, yeah, I kinda felt that two pairs of WEL interconnects in my system was a bit too much, contributing to a slight overall analytical feeling.

I ended up combining Wild Blue Yonder RCA (warmer) with WEL XLR in my main system to get a nice neutral/natural tone along with the superb resolution and speed of the WEL. Great combination. I moved the WEL RCA to the headphone setup, where it now does a fantastic job. Which now that I think of it, that headphone system uses a Wild LP phono cable, so it's mixed Wild/WEL too (main rig uses a WEL LP phono cable). 

Of Wind/Sky/Fire/Wild/WEL the WEL are the most resolving, but I can see how they’d also require to most care towards system matching. The others can drop in pretty readily to most systems.
That's strange! I guess it must be system dependent... I've had the whole shabang: Panther, Cheetah, Sky, WBY and WEL and I've found WEL to have a lot of mid-bass (body) and bass and way more tonal richness and with these elements this cable should never be clinical, no matter how resolute it is. I have found the WBY to be a tad warmer but also a tad more light, airy and atmospheric while the WEL seems to be earthier, heavier, more punchy. 
One thought -- given they've been in storage did you replace the batteries in the DBS packs? The thinness you describe sounds like the sound with the DBS disconnected or the 24-48 hours after you reconnect the DBS and the field has yet to fully establish. Even if the LEDs light the batteries if not fresh may not be performing. Could be worth a try if you have some new batteries lying around (which is unlikely as they're an obscure sort).
These thoughts are helpful, I think maybe try the DBS packs could be a good start. I’ve had SKY before and these sounded as described transparent and nice midbass , will look into that.

I watched the Video of the AQ headquarters and am wondering how the 9 or so tech’s made enough cables to fill to the brim a 32,000 sq foot warehouse. He did mention the cables that were manufactured “overseas”.